GlobalStatus displaying error status
NB: Keep in mind, the items
are handled automatically by all form components! This is just an example of how to define the content manually.
Custom Title
Code Editor
<GlobalStatus title="Custom Title" text="Failure text" items={[ { text: 'List item', status_anchor_url: '/uilib/components/global-status', status_anchor_label: 'eksempel', }, ]} show={true} autoscroll={false} no_animation={true} omit_set_focus={true} id="demo-1" />
GlobalStatus displaying info status
Custom info title ...
Code Editor
<GlobalStatus state="info" title="Custom info title ..." text="Long info nisl tempus hendrerit tortor dapibus nascetur taciti porta risus cursus fusce platea enim curabitur proin nibh ut luctus magnis metus" items={['Status text 1', 'Status text 2']} show={true} autoscroll={false} no_animation={true} omit_set_focus={true} id="demo-4" />
GlobalStatus displaying warning status
Custom warning title ...
Code Editor
<GlobalStatus state="warning" title="Custom warning title ..." text="A string of text providing a warning or semi-urgent message of some kind to the user" show={true} autoscroll={false} no_animation={true} omit_set_focus={true} id="demo-5" />
GlobalStatus displaying success status
Custom success title ...
Code Editor
<GlobalStatus state="success" title="Custom success title ..." text="A string of text providing a success message of some kind to the user" show={true} autoscroll={false} no_animation={true} omit_set_focus={true} id="demo-6" />
To showcase the automated coupling between FormStatus and GlobalStatus
Code Editor
const InputWithError = () => { const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = React.useState(null) return ( <Input label="Input:" placeholder="Write less than 5 chars and dismiss the focus to show the GlobalStatus ..." stretch status={errorMessage} on_blur={({ value }) => { setErrorMessage(value.length <= 4 ? 'With a message shown' : null) }} globalStatus={{ id: 'main-status', }} /> ) } render(<InputWithError />)
GlobalStatus and update routines
Code Editor
const Context = React.createContext(null) const UpdateDemo = () => { const [errorA, setErrorA] = React.useState(false) const [errorB, setErrorB] = React.useState(false) const [isVisible, setVisibility] = React.useState(false) return ( <Context.Provider value={{ errorA, errorB, setErrorA, setErrorB, isVisible, setVisibility, }} > <UpdateDemoStatus /> <UpdateDemoTools /> </Context.Provider> ) } const UpdateDemoStatus = () => { const { errorA, errorB, setErrorA, setErrorB } = React.useContext(Context) return ( <> <GlobalStatus title="Custom Title" text="Failure text" id="demo-2" /> <Input top right label="Label A:" placeholder="Placeholder A" status={errorA} globalStatus={{ id: 'demo-2', }} on_change={({ value }) => { setErrorA(value) }} /> <Input top label="Label B:" placeholder="Placeholder B" status={errorB} globalStatus={{ id: 'demo-2', }} on_change={({ value }) => { setErrorB(value) }} /> </> ) } const UpdateDemoTools = () => { const { errorA, errorB, setErrorA, setErrorB, isVisible, setVisibility, } = React.useContext(Context) // Only to demonstrate the usage of an interceptor situation const inst = React.useRef(null) React.useEffect(() => { if (!inst.current) { inst.current = GlobalStatus.create({ id: 'demo-2', title: 'New Title', text: 'New Text', status_id: 'custom-item', show: false, }) inst.current.update({ on_show: () => { console.log('on_show') if (!isVisible) { setVisibility(true) } }, on_hide: () => { console.log('on_hide') setVisibility(false) }, on_close: () => { console.log('on_close') setVisibility(false) }, }) } inst.current.update({ show: isVisible, }) }, [isVisible]) React.useEffect(() => () => inst.current.remove(), []) return ( <Section top spacing style_type="divider"> <ToggleButton text="Toggle" variant="checkbox" right checked={isVisible} on_change={({ checked }) => { setVisibility(checked) }} /> <Button text="Reset" variant="tertiary" icon="reset" disabled={!(errorA || errorB)} on_click={() => { setErrorA(null) setErrorB(null) }} /> </Section> ) } render(<UpdateDemo />)
To showcase the custom Update and Remove possibility
Code Editor
function AddRemoveItems() { const [count, toggleUpdateStatus] = React.useState(0) return ( <> <GlobalStatus id="custom-status" autoscroll={false} on_close={() => toggleUpdateStatus(0)} on_hide={() => toggleUpdateStatus(0)} /> <Button text={'Show step #' + count} on_click={() => { toggleUpdateStatus(count + 1) if (count >= 3) { toggleUpdateStatus(0) } }} top="small" /> {count === 1 && ( <> <GlobalStatus.Add id="custom-status" status_id="custom-id-1" title="New title" text="First long info text ..." item="Item from status #1" on_close={({ status_id }) => { console.log('on_close 1', status_id) }} /> <GlobalStatus.Add id="custom-status" status_id="custom-id-2" text="Second long info text ..." item="Item from status #2" on_close={({ status_id }) => { console.log('on_close 2', status_id) }} /> </> )} {count === 2 && ( <GlobalStatus.Remove id="custom-status" status_id="custom-id-2" /> )} {count === 3 && ( <GlobalStatus.Remove id="custom-status" status_id="custom-id-1" /> )} </> ) } render(<AddRemoveItems />)
To showcase the scrolling
Code Editor
<Button text="Scroll to main GlobalStatus" on_click={() => { GlobalStatus.Update({ id: 'main-status', text: 'Dui consectetur viverra aenean vestibulum ac tristique sem ligula condimentum', }) }} />